
Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The Albino Rug

The GFC had a visit from none other than one of our favorite writers on the blog Mr Jimmy Vehrous. He popped in to say hi sporting his new hairstyle. Well, i'm sure that's what it said on the box "new cool hair for the mop generation" or it could have just been a mop head re-boxed for a laugh. irrespective Jimmy decided he'd lay a carpet across his head, one which would have make William Shatner's hair piece look like a woven piece of art.

Now i'm sure he's going to protest the fact and claim how cool he looks. I'm sure a penguin is cool but it aint going to win any fashion contests so in anticipation of his undoubted  stance on this matter I decided to see how 3 respected members  of the GFC would fair sporting the latest in Rug Fashion.
RoBobby McMillan, Da5id Weatherwax & Cobramax Mechanique
I'll leave you to decide how well it looks on them and you can always leave comments below. But for now SL fashion police have been notified and an APB went out for the imminent  capture of Mr Vehrous and the rug, also a request was made for someone to pop to the shop and obtain a light and the most combustible  liquid known to man to douse on it.


  1. Hmmm... interesting. I might have to decide upon a change of hairstyle... Jimmy, where did you get that rug again? :P

  2. Cobra looks a vast improvement :-)

  3. -_- Cheers Guys.

    Cost me a bomb too.

    Waste of money I'd say, but then does look alright.


  4. is it me or does it kinda suit dav5id?
