They say a picture is worth 1000 words. I wonder who this poor pilot is, that managed to get........."them" selves so throughly stuck in the Harmonic Manipulator booth <wink>................. The world may never know.
Gee Sir, What do I do now??? |
I'm going to get you G , shakes her fist
ReplyDelete1) Debbydo your a fool.
2) Harmonic Manipulator Booth - Brilliant
Awesome Post G - again
lol what the H**L is a Harmonic Manipulator Booth?
ReplyDeletePfsh, that's nothing. I crashed into so many things... offices, people... I think I even crashed into the Admiralty's office before. Once you've done *that*, then you'll have a reason to post a blog... >:P
ReplyDeleteHarmonic Manipulator is what Voldemort is to Harry Potter "The name that can't be spoken", just changed :p
ReplyDeleteThat's what you get for giving a woman a pilots license :P