
Saturday, 16 July 2011


Well, finally it happened. I got my own Gryphon. I had read so much about it in this blog, that I just had to try it out for myself. Besides, I was dying for a new death! So, I put on my favourite shirt, and got to work.

...favourite shirt...

The first try was... uhm... not good. Less than two minutes after my take-off, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. Great way to start a testflight...


But I didn't give up. I tried the colour changer and went to see if the Gryphon would fit through small portals.

...colour changer...

...it doesn't fit...

Finally, it was time for the real work. First hoverflight, then mouselook, and finally, freemouselook. What a ride! I wondered how it would handle simcrossings... well, I found out. Simcrossings are to be avoided at all times...

...result of simcrossings... ouch...

I tried some more maneauvres, and I could even fly through the donut... I mean, Infinity Station, without crashing! Of course I crashed afterwards, but the photo luckily doesn't show that...

...though the big circle...

In the end, I did land safely in the sandbox. Miraculous. I made it out alive. Ah well, better luck next time. Rich, great work on the Gryphon!

...landed safely! Pfsh!...


  1. Half an hour before the crash video appears on youtube.

  2. My good friends, thanks to your help the USS Magellan blog is up and running!

  3. As the first test pilot on the Gryphon it had a great sim crossing no faster than 30% in hover and 20% in ML ...don't try it in FML. It sounds like your a bit rusty on flying so here is what you can do ....get back in the AAC and fly with us. We took Cobra and got him to fly to where he qualifies for Red Squadron. But look what we did for our favorite Security chief. She made Nova Squadron. be warned there are different types of Gryphons out there we even have some that does barrel rolls
